Bianca's Big Chop

I'm chopping my hair and need your help!

Hey Everyone,

My name is Bianca, my Mum has inspired me to grow my hair to raise money for Variety the same way she did. I have been growing my hair since I was about 4yo and made the decision to take the big chop and change lives!

Variety – the Children’s Charity supports kids who are sick, experiencing disadvantage or living with a disability.

I will be donating my hair to help provide a wig to someone who has lost their hair, as well as raising vital funds for kids in need.

Every gift, no matter the amount, can make a difference. I hope to inspire others who are able to in some way, that they can make a difference no matter how small. 

Thank you for your support!

Bianca xx

My Updates

I could wait no longer - Made the Big Chop! BIG THANK YOU 2 U!!

Sunday 4th Feb

Hey everyone!

I hope you're all doing great! I just wanted to take a moment to say the biggest, happiest THANK YOU to all of you wonderful people who supported my fundraiser! 🌟

I can't believe how awesome you all are! Your generosity and kindness mean the world to me. With your help, we've raised so much money - $1004 to be exact! It will help those who really need it. It's like magic - all of us working together to make a difference!

I want you to know that my locks have been sent and received by Variety’s Hair With Heart, your donations have gone straight to them and will help lots of people who might be going through tough times. Your kindness is like a superpower that's going to make their lives better.

I feel so lucky to have friends and family like you who believe in me and support the things that matter. You're all superheroes in my book! 💖

I promise to keep you updated on how everything is going with the fundraiser and the amazing things we're doing with the money. Together, we're making the world a brighter and happier place!

Sending you all the biggest hugs and high-fives! 🤗✨

Thank YOU again for being the best supporters ever!


Bee 🌈💕

Thank you so much!!

Thursday 26th Oct
Wowie!! We just wanted to say a BIG massive THANK YOU to everyone who has generously donated so far!!! 

I am half way there and would love it if you could please kindly share my fundraiser link on social media to create awareness and help me achieve my goal :). 

Thank so much everyone. I really appreciate every effort and here's a pic of my hair - it's getting really long right now!
- From Bianca xo

Thanks for all the support




Tim And Erin

You are amazing Bianca.


Kia Hook

The kindness you show at such a young age Bianca amazes me. I'm so proud of who you are as a person and so glad that I get to call you my little sister. ❤️☺️


Jeff Adler

You are doing a great thing Bianca, Well Done for being so generous and kind :-)


Trang Quach

So proud of your initiative Bianca. Your kind and loving thought will help those in need so much. Can’t wait to see your new look after the big chop😍 Big hugs from Dì Hai 🤗


Craigie Campfire Girl Guides

BRAVO Bianca ❤️❤️


Trangtastic Lu

Go go Bianca


J Mcgough

Dear Bianca, We are all very proud of you for doing this! Love ❤️ Grandma xoxo


Claire Schafer

Aww! Amazing work B! 💪❤️


Oanh Abdullah

So proud of you B ❤️


Ali Tania



Such a lovely way to make a difference to children who need it 😍 From Dylan F (TA6)


Sara Zvaunis

So proud of you B!!! ❤️ Aunty Sara xx


Eli Tait

What an amazing act you are doing to help less fortunate children, shining star 🌟


Emma Grant

Wow Bianca - amazing. Love from your proud friend Ruby xxx


Kai Flanagan

Go Bianca!! Well done!! From Kai


Lisa Hedditch

Well done Bianca! 😘


Amanda Esterhuyse

Great work Bianca!


Toan Quach

Well done bb I hope you reach your goal. Ong Ngoai👍🥰


Sierra & Jos Bell

All the best for your big chop B, can’t wait to see your new style! Xx


Xuan Nguyen

Big ♥️ we are so very proud of you!!! Ba Ngoai xxx


Michael Helbig


Lisa Perry

Brave, kind and incredibly generous!