Samantha's Big Chop

I'm chopping my hair and need your help!

I have made the decision to make a difference by cutting and donating my hair to be made into a wig for someone who has lost their hair due to a medical condition.

I'll be chopping off (insert how many cms/in you'll be donating - min 35.5cm) on (insert the date of your big chop, or an approximate date or month if you're not sure).

Wigs cost families up to $6,000, lasting 1-2 years, meaning families can spend tens of thousands of dollars on the purchase of wigs throughout a child’s youth. By making a donation to Variety - the Children's Charity, you can help provide a wig or other vital equipment to a child in need. Thank you for helping kids in need.

My Updates

Today is not the day. Date change!

Tuesday 22nd Feb
Today was the day I'd decided to make to cut my hair. I thought it was cute date 22.02.2022

With a target fund-raising amount of 2200 just to add to the cuteness.

I have had to extend the date now until after Canberra winter (that's just cruel to go short as an ex queenslander right before I'm to freeze). I plan now to make the big chop on the 22nd of September. 

My hair is not at the target length of 35cm long, which they require for the donation toward the wigs.

I'm also just shy of 2000 from my target fund-raising amount. I'm just over 300 dollars and find it a bit awkward to try and ask for help.

So this gives me plenty more time to grow my hair AND my funding support.

If you can help with either that would be great!!! I would much appreciate it.

Does anyone have tips on assisting hair growth and getting it into tip top condition for the donation?

Home DIYs or product ideas welcomed. 💡 

Cheers guys 

Jitters about the chop

Friday 17th Dec
When I last had to have very short hair due to a procedure I was really nervous about not looking pretty. Not feeling confident without hair. Like maybe my partner wouldn't be as attracted to me. Lots of silly worries as a woman to look like one with long hair.  

In the end,  it was quite liberating as I felt surprisingly more confident. A few select people told me they prefer long hair for me and ladies but I didn't let that worry me as it just seemed so ridiculous, I was the same person,  with the same values, face and heart. 

It was easy to manage too- bonus! Gosh, imagine this time round with being time poor with kids, less shampoo,  more time to get out the door to play, no hair pulling! Yay.

I imagine what it would be like to be a little kid and process loosing hair, especially from illness. 
I think about how now, I quite like my hair longer, but how lucky am I to have the choice. To be able to grow it back if I choose. 

I wondered how my little boys might feel about it. Then I thought, well this right here is the perfect moment to change the narrative in my household that mum is still the same lady even with very short hair and still just as reflective of a woman. 

So even though today I've had some jitters about it,  this helped to think through how important it is not just for the kids that are helped by receiving the financial support and hair donation.
Plus, I get to show my babies that giving even when you feel a bit scared, is a wonderful thing to do. 

My reason for donation

Wednesday 15th Dec
It's Christmas time and I'd love your support now or in th next few months.

 On 22, of the 2nd 2022, I aim to raise 2200 for disadvantaged kids and kids living with a disability by chopping off my hair.

I also will be donating that hair towards Hair with a Heart giving sick kids with no hair my hair towards a wig which can cost families up to 6000.

Life is hard for many people but for sick kids, they really get me choked up, they really deseve all the kindness and bravery they can get. 

I've had my time where things were very hard for me with sezuires and battling chronic anxiety and depression. I went through a hospital process and had to cut all my hair off once before. It was scary but not the end of the world. 

So I can do it again if it helps others who need it.

More recently and more seriously, I was blessed with another healthy baby and amazing birth after a miscarriage.  After the birth, I had a post partum heammorage and lost 3L of blood, I nearly died and had an emergency operation to close clotting on my uterus and had to have rescuitaion In the operating room.

The blessing of my life given to me to be able to  be here for my beautiful healthy kids is my motivation to start taking brave steps for 2022 and now on, to make a difference where I can.

This is a small start. Please help only if you can.

Thanks for all the support


Meg Tapia

Amazing effort! ❤️



Good luck!! Love Jordan and Alana xxxoxoxoxo




Simone Roche

Great Work Sammy!! Xx


Frankie Moynihan

Great work Sammy xo


Loretta Jovanovic

You go girl…. Xxx



Good luck!


Evie Mann

❤ such a beautiful thing to do Sammy


Diana Lubis

From. Ginninderry local, Diana. Well done you!




Kerry Keller

Good luck Sam I hope you reach your targets xx



Your big heart inspires me, Sammy! <3


Santa Clause

Ho Ho Ho