Remi's Big Chop

Remi's Big Chop!

I have made the decision to make a difference by cutting and donating my hair to be made into a wig for someone who has lost their hair due to a medical condition.

I'm 5 years old and in Prep at school. I've been growing my hair all my life - this will be my first real haircut! I'll be chopping off 50cm of my hair at the end of August. I can't wait to have a bob haircut, and donate my long hair to a little girl or boy who needs it more than I do. They can wear my hair as a wig! As well as donating my hair, my goal is to raise $2000 for Variety- the Children's Charity. 

Wigs cost families up to $6,000, lasting 1-2 years, meaning families can spend tens of thousands of dollars on the purchase of wigs throughout a child’s youth. By making a donation to Variety - the Children's Charity, you can help provide a wig or other vital equipment to a child in need. Thank you for helping kids in need.

My Updates

The Big Chop - Before and After!

Monday 12th Sep
It is a big change for Remi, but she LOVES her new short hair! 

The Big Chop!!

Monday 12th Sep
We did it! Thank you everyone for your amazing support of Remi! She had her big chop on Saturday and now 50cm of her gorgeous hair is on its way to be made into a wig for a little boy or girl who needs it more than she does. We are so grateful for your support of the amazing work that Variety does. Remi loves her new hair! 

Pippi Longstocking

Saturday 27th Aug
Book Week at school this week - Remi went as her long-plaited heroine, Pippi Longstocking! It won't be long until those plaits undergo the big chop...stay tuned for haircut details! 

Thanks for all the support


Linda Tapiolas

Fantastic Remi


The Greats

Dear Remi, we are so proud of you and we think you look beautiful with your new short hair! You are doing a wonderful thing to help other children. We know that Nonna and G.U.B would be so very proud too. Lots of love, G.A.C and G.A.M xo


Kylie Jarrett



Proud to support you, Remi!


Fletcher Heinemann

We're so proud of you Remi. Your new hair looks great! We love you, love Mum and Dad xx



Well done, Remi. So impressed by your act.


Marcus Ford

A wonderful commitment Remi; well done.


Russo Family

Good luck Remi!!!


Meredith And Greg Thorne

Good luck and best wishes with the fund raise


Sarah Lancaster

Great job Remi!!! Can't wait to see your new hair cut


Brady Cockburn


Susan Bryant


Zoe Church & Sarah And Paul

I love you Remi and I love your hair too! Short or long! You’re amazing xx $50 for 50cm!


Xaviar Mcclymont

Well done Remi


Jessica Bidgood

You are a superstar Remi!


Annabel Kenny

What a fabulous young role model - helping others.


Mary Koen

Congratulations, Remi, for growing your beautiful hair soooo long, for someone special who will feel so good wearing it as a wig' You will look really great with a bob!! Have a fun time during your "Big Cut"!! Special love and big hugs, Nanny Granny.


Para Remi, Desde Paraguay, Sudamérica.

Querida Remi, apoyamos tu causa. Nos sentimos muy orgullosos de ti y tus padres. Que sigas cultivando ese hermoso corazón que tienes. Cariños de siempre Tus abuelos de Paraguay, Juan Carlos Cáceres y Genoveva Corvalán


Koen Family

We are so so proud of you, Remi! You are so amazing! Love from Gerard, Jade, Ethan, Imogen and Beau xoxo


Andrew Corkhill

Great cause - well done Remi!


Katy T

Amazing effort for a great cause😍🤔💓❤


Clive Nichol

Good on you Remi !


Laura M Gahan

Well done Remi. I am sure your gorgeous hair will be so gratefully received. What a fabulous gift to give.


Belinda Laughlin

Go Remi! What a special gift you are giving!


Belinda Winter

Well done! Very brave indeed!!!!


Lauren Davis

Well done! What a great cause! X


Damien Koen

Hi Remi, we donated $10 for every year you have committed to this cause. You are so kind to give another girl your beautiful hair. Love Uncle Damo and Aunty Paula


Maher Family

So very proud of you, Remi! You are making a huge difference in someone’s life! We can’t wait to see how beautiful your new bob haircut will be! Love all your Maher cousins! Xx


Trish Jane

Awesome effort Remi 🤗 What a wonderful gift to other children.


Cooper W

You’re a star Remi!


Keeghan Patricia Silcock



What a kind gesture. Well done Remi!


Alegría H

Well done Rems, I hope you like your new haircut! You are donating you beautiful hair for such a wonderful cause! Love Alegria xxxxx


Georgie W

Remi thank you so much for doing this for such a wonderful cause - well done!




Mandy Turner


Ada S


D Hodgson

Dear Remi, What a kind girl you are! We'll have lots to talk about when I'm on playground duty with you now :-)


Beth & Hadley


Jessica Ragbir


Bopf Family

Love your work Remi!




Hugo H

Great job Remi, I love your new haircut bob.


Stuart Hoy