Nanda's Big Chop

I'm chopping my hair and need your help!

I’ve made the decision to take the big chop and change lives!

Variety – the Children’s Charity supports kids who are sick, experiencing disadvantage or living with a disability.

I will be donating my hair that I've grown out since the pandemic lockdown (ish) to help provide a wig to someone who has lost their hair, as well as raising vital funds for kids in need.

Every gift, no matter the amount, makes a difference.

Thanks for your support!

Thanks for all the support


Remmus Architecture


Jonathan Wong


Sarah Dermawan

I hope our kids will recognise you after 🙂



I don't mind the heritage Asian style hair but we'll do it for the kids hey


Mark Chong


Nanda Dermawan


Carol Wong


Amy Fung And Jonathan Teoh




Jane Lee


Tan Fam




Simon Zhang



Can’t wait to see you with short hair again!!


Joseph Ng

Looking good with long hair!! For the kids, god bless 🙏🙏.



I hope to see you bald the next time I lay eyes on you