Loren's Big Chop

I'm chopping my hair and need your help!

I’ve made the decision to take the big chop and change lives!

Variety – the Children’s Charity supports kids who are sick, experiencing disadvantage or living with a disability.

I will be donating my hair to help provide a wig to someone who has lost their hair, as well as raising vital funds for kids in need.

Every gift, no matter the amount, makes a difference.

Thank you for your support!

Thanks for all the support


Martin Daly

Chop chop :)


Bas Tijdhof

Good on ya Loren!


Sarah Kate Smith


Leanne Apokourastos

Happy chopping 😊


Loren Apokourastos


Marylou D


Rikki-lee Belperio




Christine Vasiliou

Very inspiring Loren…. Good on you 👍


Cha Cullen

Awesome idea Loren. Love to support this! Cha x


Cheryl Kelly


Melissa Dalidowicz

Great stuff Loren, well done ❤️




Slavka Shaw