Jannah's Big Chop

I'm chopping my hair and need your help!

I have made the decision to make a difference by cutting and donating my hair to be made into a wig for someone who has lost their hair due to a medical condition.

I have been growing my hair out for years and years and haven’t had a haircut for about 5 years, nor coloured it. So it’s been a long process to get it to where it is and while I’m super attached to my hair and love it- it’s time for a change and to commit to the mum chop, so why not donate it while I’m at it! 

I'll be chopping off roughly 58cm of my hair on the 9th of May 2023.

Huge thanks to Tiff at Kóha in Ipswich for donating her services to do the hair cutting for me. 

Wigs cost families up to $6,000, lasting 1-2 years, meaning families can spend tens of thousands of dollars on the purchase of wigs throughout a child’s youth. By making a donation to Variety - the Children's Charity, you can help provide a wig or other vital equipment to a child in need. Thank you for helping kids in need.

My Updates

Blown Away!

Saturday 22nd Apr
My oh my! I cannot believe the support and money you guys have thrown at this! 
I am so shocked and cannot express my gratitude to everyone who has donated or shared, liked and commented on my posts. 
You’ve made a huge impact helping those in need and I couldn’t be prouder of you all! 
Let’s hit this next goal of $1.5k! I didn’t see myself having to Jack it up again, but here we are! 
Big love everyone!

How have I hit my goal in under 12 hours?!

Friday 21st Apr
I posted my page late last night and woke up to $300 odd bucks raised overnight! I was already blown away! 
Within the last few hours I’ve now hit my goal of $500!! I can’t believe it.
I’m going to increase my goal to $1k in the hopes I can continue to rally my nearest and dearest to raise some more much needed mulla for this wonderful campaign! 
Thank you to all the wonderful people who have donated! I couldn’t do this without you! 

Eek it’s happening, no backing out now!

Thursday 20th Apr
After months of deliberating with myself over if I’d ever actually commit to the cut, I’ve finally given in and decided it’s time; a choice I’ve only made with donating my hair in mind. I don’t think I would do it otherwise. So it’s made the decision easier and a bit sweeter to swallow. 
I’m scared and excited to cut it off and crossing my fingers I can pull the bob off, even if it’s just long enough to grow my hair out a bit. I think in the meantime I may be looking like a little boy, but that’s okay too. Hehe. 
I find it a bit weird and uncomfortable to ask for donations but I’m putting those feelings aside to proudly ask for some dollarydoos! I’m hoping you’ve got some germ infested coins in the back of the cupboard mutating into new covid strains you need to take to the bank and get rid of, have just won on the pokies, found a lobster or pineapple flying in the streets, got a coupla bucks from grandma in a birthday card you feel like doing something nice with or just feel like being a downright good dude and flicking over a small (or huge-mungous) donation. 
Anywho, wish me luck. And don’t tease me (too much) when you see me in the street looking a little.. ahh.. different.

Thanks for all the support


Monty Haron

Good on you Jannah! Proud of you x x


Nick Bowen

Well done Jannah! Inspiring work.


Holly & Tom

We are so proud of you! Go Jan! 💗


Lexi And Harry Burgess

Well done J-wow!! Thanks for sacrificing so kids can still be kids and enjoy their youth. Our mum made the same sacrifice a few years ago and it made us all proud. Good job.



What a wonderful thing to do!


Clare Timbs



Onya J-flower!


Jane Timbs


Auntie Harold



Adam And Tess


Tanya Coldham

You are an amazing young lady ❤️



Good job Yannah , my Yinny



You go glen co co! So proud of you!


Max + Bek Crossley



Peter Crossley


Jessica Seddon


Em, Jeremy And Keziah X


Jannah Coombs







Well done, what a beautiful way to support a great cause.



So proud of you lovely Jannah 💖


Kelli Baartz

Very brave such an inspirational and kind thing to do January! 🥰❤


Caleb Hutchinson

Hell yeah Jannah! Chip chop!


Mel Waters

So proud of you Jan <3


Kim, Dave And Ruby

Good on ya girl! X


Darleen Darleen


Stef And Soph

Not all heroes wear capes! Well done mate x


Laura Gallagher

Go Jan! So proud of you for having a crack!


Lia Mckerihan