James's Big Chop

It is time for the curls to be passed on

Long Hair has been a fun scrunchie-bound adventure! I'd love for someone else to be able to have that adventure too - and many can't by themselves.

I have made the decision to make a difference by cutting and donating my hair to be made into a wig for someone who has lost their hair due to a medical condition.

I'll be chopping off all my locks on the third of August this year.

I'm hoping to raise $1,000! Can you help me?

Wigs cost families up to $6,000, lasting 1-2 years, meaning families can spend tens of thousands of dollars on the purchase of wigs throughout a child’s youth. By making a donation to Variety - the Children's Charity, you can help provide a wig or other vital equipment to a child in need. Thank you for helping kids in need.

Thanks for all the support


J & H

Proud of you, always finding ways to serve others.


Robert Williams

Great James on what you are doing


Mary Dezius

Love you xxxx from both of us


Janine & Andrew

So very proud of you James x


The Coopers

Well done James! What a generous soul you are. Much love from the Cooper family x



Awesome idea!


Mum And Dad

Proud of you son.


Chester And Ann

Good on you James, blessing others by giving something special!!




James Dezius


Rebecca Smith

Way to go James! Such a wonderful gift to someone in need! Xx



I’d pay anything for you to cut them off and stop me feeling so follicley challenged, but especially for such a good cause. Good on you legend!


Kenyon Family

Great effort James!


Louise & Mark Barnes

What a worthy cause. Good on you James!!



Great stuff James! Your chopped curls will on to bring someone else so much joy :)


Donna Baker

Well done James, such a great cause! The Baker Family xx


Therese Everton

Congratulstions James ! You might have to wear a beanie now until the summer !!


Aunty Jo & Uncle Mark Binskin

Congratulations on donating your beautiful curls James..you will make someone very happy xx


Naomi & Matt Morris

You’re a legend, James. Love from Matt, Naomi, Noah & Bodhi




Fiona And Steven Barnaby

Beautiful hair to donate Fantastic!!



Donating your luscious locks for a great cause, another reminder that we're all in this together. Good on you!


Jarrod Butler




Sarah M

Go James!!


Lindsay Groth

Well done James. My boys just shaved their mullets for cancer.


Audrey Mombeshora

You are doing amazing James keep it up



Oui reine! I'm encouraged by your generosity and hopeful target. You'll still be my bogan bestie without the big 'do! May it serve another well :)


Michael Dezius


Sandra Haywood


Byfield Cinnamon

love that youre doing this cuzzie.


Samantha Haramis

You're a champion! This will really bless someone in need.


Chelsea Chelsea


Tamara Hocking

Good on you James!