Jade's Big Chop

I'm chopping my hair and need your help!

At the end of March, I will be donating 45 cm / 18 inches, which I’ve been growing out for over 6 years. My donations will be going to children (ages between 0-18) who have lost their hair due to medical conditions, such as Cancer and Alopecia.

Wigs cost families up to $6,000, lasting only 1-2 years, meaning families can spend tens of thousands of dollars on the purchase of wigs throughout a child’s youth.

By donating to Variety - the Children's Charity, and your help, we can fundraise money to help Australian families receive wigs, grants for vital equipment, supplies, therapy, run educational programs and give talented kids scholarships.  

This is a project that is very personal to me as there have been several members of my immediate family and close friends who have had to fight and sometimes lose their battle with cancer.

Hopefully, with research, supported by fundraising, scientists will continue to figure out more effective ways to help people with these medical conditions.    

Thank you for helping kids in need.

Sincerely Jade Cavalera Sivis. 

My Updates

Reached more than 50% of my goal! Thank you!!

Monday 8th Feb
Hi there! Thank you for all your support with my fundraising for my hair donation. So far I've reached more than 50% of my goal. 

If you can share this link to work colleagues / friends or on social media, that would be much appreciated. THANK YOU!!

Thanks for all the support




Leonie Kerley

So proud of you Jade, such a beautiful thing to do for others xx 💜💜💜


Aron Eswaran

Ur awesome for doing this!!


Nonna & Nonno

Very proud of my granddaughter for the contribution that she's making.


Pamela Page

Proud of you Jade


Emily Mcknight

Go Jade! You are an inspiration!



Need more of you.


Natalie Edwards

Jade, this will make such a huge difference to someone's life - great idea!


Ryan Pascoe





Sura Majeed

Such a lovely thing to do 🥺 you're gonna look amazing too ;))


Nelson K

Proud of you ❤️


Martin Hosein

Well done! You set an example


Rebecca Mathews

I’m so proud of you gal ❤️❤️


Molly Ellison

love you endlessly xx


Linda Reich

Such an amazing gift! You are one amazing human!




Hannah Smith


Ciara O’reilly



This is so amazing!!!!


Charlie Rigby

You’re doing an amazing thing, super proud xoxo