Cameron's Big Chop

I'm chopping my hair and would love your help!

I have made the decision to make a difference by cutting and donating my hair to be made into a wig for someone who has lost their hair due to a medical condition.

I'll be chopping off my entire head of hair, about 50cms in early 2023!

Wigs cost families up to $6,000, lasting 1-2 years, meaning families can spend tens of thousands of dollars on the purchase of wigs throughout a child’s youth. By making a donation to Variety - the Children's Charity, you can help provide a wig or other vital equipment to a child in need. Thank you for helping kids in need.


Firstly, thankyou so much for making it this far.
Here, you'll find a brief (maybe not so brief) summary of who I am and why I'm doing what I'm doing. If you're just here to donate, please feel free to go and do that, but if you'd like to know more, read on!
My name's Cam, I'm a Melbournian, a firefighter in my 30's. I generally try to live a life of service, trying to take every opportunity I can to make the lives of those around me a little easier. Sometimes I feel like I'm living up to that ideal, other times, not so much. I try to support the people I love through their challenges in life, as well as in any fundraising endeavour they pursue. It makes me feel a little more loved and a little more useful to be part of something greater than myself.
After a number of Movember fundraising campaigns, Polished Man awareness drives and one particularly notable Shave for a Cure, I decided I would set myself a more long-term charitable goal. 
In a deep, dark youtube rabbit hole, I stumbled across a group in the US called the Longhairs, where men grew out their hair with the ultimate goal of donating it to children with medical hairloss. Having wanted to grow my hair for a long time but never having the commitment to push through the awkward stage, I knew now was the time and for a good cause as well.
It took some willpower with plenty of good-hearted comments in the fire station, "when are you gonna cut that mop off?" and "how does that even fit under your helmet?" Not to mention just how frustrating it is to try to work out with a big mop top on your head!!
But here we are now, about three years later. I no longer recognise myself in the mirror and I have about 40-50cms of luscious locks that would look much better as part of somebody's wig than it does on me. I've been procrastinating and putting off the cut, until a course at work booked in for early next year sounded the bell that now is the time.
So what's the process? I hear you ask. Once I've had the chop around January,  my hair will be donated through Sustainable Salons/Variety Hair With Heart. They will grade it based on colour and quality (A grade surely...), then use it to create incredible, 100% human hair, realistic wigs for children who have lost their hair due to medical reasons. This could be anything from chemotherapy to alopecia. I feel this is a great initiative which gives these children the opportunity to live their lives as carefree as any other kid on the block, without the stigma attached to illness and hairloss. 
As well as the hair donation, I'll be running a fundraising drive as well. This gives you, my friends, family and community, the opportunity to pitch in and support a worthy cause. 
Every donation above $2 is tax deductible and goes to a fantastic cause in Variety for Kids. 
As a charity, Variety believe all children deserve the same opportunities in life. They support children and families who are facing challenges through sickness, disadvantage or living with a disability.
So please, get involved on instagram @camcam_the_fireman , donate anything you feel comfortable with, share my page with friends and family, or send me any messages you like. I appreciate every message of support along the way, it really helps keep me going. 
I hope this gives you a bit of an outline of what this is all about and why we're here. I'll do a few more updates along the way, but most of it will be via instagram I reckon.
Let me know if you have any suggestions for fundraising ideas, or anything else for that matter.
Keep smiling and stay safe.

My Updates

The Hair Arrives!

Friday 3rd Mar
Hello All!
I just wanted to provide an early March update on the fundraising and hair donating activities!
I received confirmation from Variety that my hair donation has arrived and they will be processing it for wig production in the near future! By my count it was 40-45cms of hair, about 200gms worth, somewhere around 3-4 years of growth!
In terms of fundraising, we are sitting at $5,795 which is way beyond my wildest dreams! 
I've been told that it costs a family approximately $6,000 to purchase one of these high quality wigs, so my inner optimist is hopeful we can raise another $205 to get over that mark.
I have been absolutely blown away by the incredible support of the community around me, none of this could have happened without all of you.
So thank you again, I truly appreciate you all, give yourselves a high five and a hug from me!
See you soon!
Cam - the more aerodynamic edition

One Month To Go!

Monday 19th Dec
We're back in Australia and hitting the ground running!
I've been off the ball for a few weeks enjoying my first stint of overseas travel since the pandemic (Iceland was incredible, enquire within). 
I simply cannot believe we've nearly raised $2,400!!! 
That's so far beyond what I dreamed and expected and I am so grateful to all who have contributed or sent me messages of support along the way.
It looks like the cut will be taking place on January 23rd, but not 100% set in stone just yet. There's a couple of things to finalise before then, but it seems to be all systems go!
Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or ideas for fitness challenges or fundraising ideas.
As always, I'll be most active on social media at camcam_the_fireman on instagram.
With only one month to go, you're running out of time to support this incredibly worthy cause, assisting children with medically induced hairloss, be it alopecia or chemo related or anything in between.
Please share my page if you can, reach out with any questions, but most importantly, spread kindness and love.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas period with your families, I'm always here if you need me.

Two Weeks In!

Friday 18th Nov
Hello again all! 
Two Weeks In! I can't believe how quickly the time has gone this year, it's nearly Christmas!!
I want to thank all of you incredible people for reaching into your pockets and helping us to hit $1850 raised!!
I've managed to sneak away for a holiday to Iceland just for one last taste of Winter before Melbourne Sumer really kicks in! Think of the journey this hair will have been on by the time it becomes a wig! But I've been posting from afar and trying to keep up with sending my gratitude to all involved where I can! 
If you're wondering what Variety does with the money, check out Hannah's story here : 
Please, if you have the means, do donate, or share the following link with your friends and family where you can, or just send them to my instagram page of @camcam_the_fireman . It means so much that you have contributed so much so far, we have a real chance to make a positive impact in some lives!
Thank you all again, so much!
All of the love! (don't forget to vote this weekend)

One Week In

Friday 11th Nov
Wow! Just Wow!
Here we are, just one week in, with about eight to go.
You have all absolutely blown me away with your incredible generosity. To already have donations in excess of $1250, with an initial goal of $1500 is absolutely humbling and I'm so happy that I share my life with such generous people.
Though together we have raised enough money so far to significantly impact the lives of some unfortunate kids, we can still do more! 
I've made the decision to increase my fundraising goal as a result of discussions with the charity, as well as your incredible engagement with the cause! The wig-making process is incredibly labour-intensive and requires a very specific skillset. These wigs will cost a family (child) in need about $6,000! For this reason, my new financial target now matches my theoretical goal of providing a child suffering medically induced hair-loss with a full, healthy head of hair, via a wig, to enable them to live a stigma-free life.
Please tell your friends about this initiative, share it with your workmates and families, every little bit counts along the journey for these children.
I sincerely thank all of you who have donated or shown support in any way. Please continue to send messages of support, it really drives me to continue working to raise more awareness and funds, to make a greater impact.  
If you have any ideas to raise awareness for the cause and the cut, please send them my way.
If you are wondering what Variety does specifically, check out Kyla's story on Youtube here . 
Keep smiling.
Thank you again.
Talk soon.
Cam :)  

Why Cam is Cutting

Tuesday 1st Nov
Firstly, thankyou so much for making it this far.
Here, you'll find a brief (maybe not so brief) summary of who I am and why I'm doing what I'm doing. If you're just here to donate, please feel free to go and do that, but if you'd like to know more, read on!
My name's Cam, I'm a Melbournian, a firefighter in my 30's. I generally try to live a life of service, trying to take every opportunity I can to make the lives of those around me a little easier. Sometimes I feel like I'm living up to that ideal, other times, not so much. I try to support the people I love through their challenges in life, as well as in any fundraising endeavour they pursue. It makes me feel a little more loved and a little more useful to be part of something greater than myself.
After a number of Movember fundraising campaigns, Polished Man awareness drives and one particularly notable Shave for a Cure, I decided I would set myself a more long-term charitable goal. 
In a deep, dark youtube rabbit hole, I stumbled across a group in the US called the Longhairs, where men grew out their hair with the ultimate goal of donating it to children with medical hairloss. Having wanted to grow my hair for a long time but never having the commitment to push through the awkward stage, I knew now was the time and for a good cause as well.
It took some willpower with plenty of good-hearted comments in the fire station, "when are you gonna cut that mop off?" and "how does that even fit under your helmet?" Not to mention just how frustrating it is to try to work out with a big mop top on your head!!
But here we are now, about three years later. I no longer recognise myself in the mirror and I have about 40-50cms of luscious locks that would look much better as part of somebody's wig than it does on me. I've been procrastinating and putting off the cut, until a course at work booked in for early next year sounded the bell that now is the time.
So what's the process? I hear you ask. Once I've had the chop around January,  my hair will be donated through Sustainable Salons/Variety Hair With Heart. They will grade it based on colour and quality (A grade surely...), then use it to create incredible, 100% human hair, realistic wigs for children who have lost their hair due to medical reasons. This could be anything from chemotherapy to alopecia. I feel this is a great initiative which gives these children the opportunity to live their lives as carefree as any other kid on the block, without the stigma attached to illness and hairloss. 
As well as the hair donation, I'll be running a fundraising drive as well. This gives you, my friends, family and community, the opportunity to pitch in and support a worthy cause. 
Every donation above $2 is tax deductible and goes to a fantastic cause in Variety for Kids. 
As a charity, Variety believe all children deserve the same opportunities in life. They support children and families who are facing challenges through sickness, disadvantage or living with a disability.
So please, get involved on instagram @camcam_the_fireman , donate anything you feel comfortable with, share my page with friends and family, or send me any messages you like. I appreciate every message of support along the way, it really helps keep me going. 
I hope this gives you a bit of an outline of what this is all about and why we're here. I'll do a few more updates along the way, but most of it will be via instagram I reckon.
Let me know if you have any suggestions for fundraising ideas, or anything else for that matter.
Keep smiling and stay safe.

Thanks for all the support


Firefighters Charity Fund



The Double Donation Hair Razor Bonanza!



Keep up the awesome work man!!!


Matt Burr

Great work mate, target achieved. Now please grow back the man bun😀💪😎


Mik Wilson



Warwick Kurth

Huge effort mate! Xx


Gerard Mann


Kelly Cameron

Love your work mate.! Keep it up.



Great work mate! 😃👍


Cameron Mcpherson


Alexander Gardner

Hey Cam,I'm happy to donate to you to help sick children! Cheers Alex.


Stephen Shipperlee

Well done mate. It should be a bit more comfy under you helmet now


Lauren Lewis

You are amazing Cam!!


David Rose

David wants to support you… his dad doesn’t support charity..


Brayden Sinnamon

Amazing work legend


John Marc Desengano

When I finally chop my long locks, Imma follow in your footsteps (as I often try to do, you wonderful human ❤️). Keep that generous heart of yours brother xx



What a massive effort Cam! You're an absolute legend. 💪


Nevin Alakus

Cam you are so awesome! I'll have to source my 'firefighting related long hair advice' from a different place now. Oh well, your hair will bring happiness to someone's life. How cool is that! Well done on a wonderful cause.


The Rotheram Family

We love your work Cam ❤


Dominic And Zoe


David Griffith



Love your work Cam, you’re amazing x



Its a great cause Cam, but don't do it! Keep the long hair while you still can! :)


Daniel Green

No need for public acknowledgement. This is for electrical services rendered anyway. Hope you had a ripping trip, look forward to hearing about it! …. And being the new leading man bun in northern 👌🏽


Maria Silva



Jameel Rehman


The Gentleman's Barber, Preston

Zee refused to charge Cam for his latest tidyup, instead offering the cost as a donation. Cam refused not to pay, so that got donated too and became a double donation!


Michael Mccoy

Awesome work mate. What a human!!!!!


Dave Langron

Love your work mate!




Marie And Tony

Congratulations Cam 👍🏻👏🏻😃


Ash, Ash And Lachie

We’re so proud of you and all of your altruistic endeavours, Uncle Cam! We can wait to see whether Lachie recognises you after the big choperoo! Love Ash, Ash and Lachie xx



Nice work mate, I can emphasise with the need for a wig 😆 Love how you're always thinking of others 👍


Sue Mcpherson

My darling Cam. You make me so proud. Even though you were willing to get rid of the mo, We all thought it looked good after the shave. I want to give another donation to help you reach your target. Congrats and well done. Much love, Mum.😘😘


Maureen Withers

Hi Cam. You're doing a great job. Such a kind and caring young man. Sending our best wishes. Proud of you. Xx


Sue Mcpherson

Well done Cam. I am super proud of you, as always. Looking forward to short back and sides! Love Mum. xxxx


Lisa Margate

Great work Cam, a very worthwhile cause.


Trudie Kenna Kenna

Happy cut off day Cam. Looking forward to seeing the new look. And congrats on another wonderful charitable gesture. You’re a legend 💙


Karena Greelish

Good luck Cam, what a fabulous thing to do


Robert Talia

Well done Cam. Ripper work!


Jessica Rotheram


Brooke Greelish


Morgan White


Josh Singh

Amazing effort Cam. Looking forward to seeing the fresh chop. Keep up the great work 👍





Great job, Old Man. You should be proud of yourself!


Teresa D’angelo

Good stuff Cam - heart of gold!


Ross Campbell


Mandy Glover


Glenn Archer


Daniel Pendlebury

Awesome work


Stuart Carruthers

Love your work man.


Rhian Margate


Sheyaan Manricks

Awesome job Cameron. Hope it's not too cold now in Melbourne hahaha


Cameron Mcpherson

50 new year smackaroos from dad! ("I pay cash")


Michael Tsivoglou

Great man doing Great things for a Great cause!! Love your work mate xx


Steph Psaila


Brian Matibag

Great effort Cam!! Top bloke you are!


Kate Saldaneri

Hey there old man hahaha hope ya locks look great on somebody else!


Will Neal

onya cam! shaved head suits you!



Pending Recut


Nicole B

V bueno 🤌


Cameron Mcpherson

Christmas Party Refunds 🥳


Ian Mckenzie

Cam you are a legend mate , well done, heart of gold mate Ian McKenzie FRV 11A


John Grech

You're a gun, brother!


Nick Barca



Awesome idea ! Saw your flyer up at Coles at Greensborough! Well done


Anna K



Melanie Simpson

You’re a great human Cam :)


Rob Pain

Well done Cam. You are an absolute legend!


Martin Grinter

Great stuff Cam!


Craig Denehy


Andy Castles

Great work my guy xx


Ian Kay


Katherine Strangos

Amazing Cam! There better be fireball to celebrate after the snip!



Happy to tip in a little more Cam after having the privilege of lopping off one of those locks yesterday , watching the big shave, backing down (temporarily) on the mo off campaign & knowing you going to double it!! Well done you super human 😍 😍


Adam Brown

Well done Cam


Megan Wheatley


Patrice Gorman



Well done you dork!


Sarah Mcpherson

Yes brother, what a lovely cause. You can do iiit!


Katherine Strangos

Weeellllll since you’re matching donations.. I may as well go again! Amazing work legend!


Ben Sutter

Great work Cam! Very impressive 👏


Chris Wiseman

Great work legend 🙏 takes a fair amount of dedication to do what you do



Heck of a thing! Good on ya.




Cameron Mcpherson

$20 on behalf of Broadmeadows Fire Station, D shift!



Congratulations Cam; fantastic effort for a great cause.


Laughlin Cargnali

Proud of you big fella x


Alex Moorhouse

Another great effort for an amazing cause!


Kat N

What a great cause. Congratulations on a tremendous effort.


Sam Waddleton


James Kavanagh

Nice job Cam! I think you may have inspired Greeny to follow suit. Great cause.


Brendan Plowman


Rob Ladd

Happy to support any friend of Bears

