Brayden's Big Chop

Let's get this hair factory going!

I have made the decision to make a difference by cutting and donating my hair to be made into a wig for someone who has lost their hair due to a medical condition.

I'm aiming to shave my head in early 2022, so let's try to raise some money while my hair grows!

Wigs cost families up to $6,000, lasting 1-2 years, so I want to raise enough money for a wig alongside donating my hair when it's at an acceptable length.

Thanks for all the support


Ebby D


Michelle Byrnes

from the team at EstimateOne!


Michelle Byrnes

from the team at EstimateOne!


Chidney Chession


Michelle Byrnes


Dom Di Luca

Way to go Beaje


Zaiga Finnis

Onya Bray, keep on brushing those luscious locks. What a great cause, all the best getting to your goal, hope this helps!


Chris Dobbyn

Great initiative Bray. Good luck.


Brayden Di Luca


Stephen Beattie

Good stuff! It’s a great cause!


Kevin Krahe

Hi Brayden, you've chosen a thoughtful way to help those less fortunate than yourself, well done.


Michelle Byrnes

What a great cause Bray. Best of luck hitting your target!


Jack Nam

Great initiative Bray!



Go Bray! :)


Leanne Galang

Well done Bray!


Iana Bardash



The Nudelman's

Well done Brayden, hopefully you reach your fundraiser target. Look forward to seeing you with a closely shaved head!!!


Warren Krahe


Emma Thoday

Go bray


Julie Mehegan

Great work Brayden, love M and J xx


James Garner

Great cause, nice work 🙌


Ebony Di Luca



Go Bray!


Victor He

Looks like we'll be meeting in-person without your luscious locks, alas what a shame. But kudos for this awesome initiative!


Ally Martell

Grow that hair boy!!!!!


Jake Bayer



Respect to my Aussie bro, much love


Max K

Well done brotha 🙌🙌


Naomi Nguyen






Simon Herod

Legend! Good job mate.


Peter Adams

Good on you mate! Go well


Adam Norgate

I’ll miss that hair.


Brayden Di Luca