Bonnie's Hair with Heart challenge

I'm taking the chop to change lives

Help me make a change!

I think we can all agree that 2020 has been a year full of unprecedented change. Although we have seen some disturbing acts of selfishness from society, we've also seen some really incredible ones and I am reaching out to ask for your help to keep this up. 

We have seen many incredible acts of society donating to the NHS and other organisations associated to ease the effects of COVID-19. In saying that, I share a concern my mother raised to me that there are still other charities and organisations that need our help (and may not be getting as much attention as they used to), so this is more timely than ever. 

An incredible highschool friend of mine once told me she has never cut her hair, as she was inspired to grow it out and cut it when she turned 21, just like her grandmother did. Her story touched me all those years ago, and since then I've been in a bid to grow out my hair (trimming it myself at home for years) to do the same and donate it to someone who isn't as fortunate as I am to be able to grow my hair so long.

For those who don't know me too well, I do have very long hair - measuring below my ear, it's about 50cm long. Because I work in hospitality, my hair is tied up in a bun or in a plait 90% of the time - so I know that donating it to someone who has lost their hair due to a medical condition means it will go to much better use, and hopefully make them smile. 

On that note, I'll be chopping off about 40cm on the 23rd of May 2020 (three days before I turn 21)!

Wigs cost families up to $6,000, lasting 1-2 years, meaning families can spend tens of thousands of dollars on the purchase of wigs throughout a child’s youth. By making a donation to Variety - the Children's Charity, you can help provide a wig or other vital equipment to a child in need. Thank you for helping kids in need.

My Updates

Tomorrow’s the big day!!!!

Friday 22nd May
For those who haven’t seen, I’ve chosen to cut and donate about 50cm of my hair to Variety - the Children's Charity Australia for my upcoming twenty-first birthday!

I would like to thank absolutely everyone who has supported, whether it be morally or financially (in the form of donations) over the past few weeks. I am beyond grateful for you all. I won’t lie, I’m pretty nervous - but remain comforted in the fact a child out there, who isn’t in the best of health, is going to receive a really cool gift in the near future and will appreciate my hair much more than I ever have. 

If you would like to make a last minute donation to these kids, you’re more than welcome to through the link to my donation page:

Thank you so much again to everyone. Updates to come tomorrow after the big chop!

Thanks for all the support




Silvana Gittani

Bonnie you are one of the most exceptional people I have ever met . May you receive everything great in life because you deserve it. What Ana amazing thing to do . So so proud of you


Zest Chargrill

What a wonderful thing to do Bonnie


Nicola Zahra


Julie &jv Tan

We’re so proud of you Bonnie 😘😘


Elysi Nikodinovski

Sorry I’m late 🙈 Proud of you gorgeous girl 💓


Everest Family

Well done Bonnie ! A great cause to be involved with and pleased we were able to support you. Best. Everests


Diane Lyons

Well done darling xo



So proud of you sweet girl. You’re amazing ❤️


Hedy Starita


Lucy U

well done ❤️


Sandra Pittaro

Wonderful thing to do Bonnie x


Helen Lee

So so so proud of you girlfran xoxo


April Hunter

Forever proud ♥️


Joshua Reynolds



Well done Bonnie. Very generous of you. Can’t wait to see your hair.


Sophia Cassano


Anna Keaney

So proud 💞


James Pifat

Proud of you Bonnie, you’re an inspiration!


My Friend

So proud of you ❤



Proud of you! Xx


Isabella Souter

Super proud of you x


Christiana Xintarianos


Patricia Broederlow

Aunty Kika was so moved by your kindness she asked me to donate on her behalf xo


Sandra Elcham

Your awesome 😘


Andrew Inangeri


Erica Montauro



Your determination to make the world a better place is second to none. Very proud.


Chiara Falcone



Chantelle Ursino



Skyler Higham

So proud of you Bonnie ❤️❤️


Jacob New


Paris Deligianis

Love you b


Samantha Chin


