Alexie's Big Chop

I'm chopping my hair and need your help!

I have made the decision to make a difference by cutting and donating my hair to be made into a wig for someone who has lost their hair due to a medical condition.

I'll be chopping off 14inces or 35.5cm when I have the length that I want to chop it to, I have the length now but don't want to go too short.

Wigs cost families up to $6,000, lasting 1-2 years, meaning families can spend tens of thousands of dollars on the purchase of wigs throughout a child’s youth. By making a donation to Variety - the Children's Charity, you can help provide a wig or other vital equipment to a child in need. Thank you for helping kids in need.

My Updates


Wednesday 27th Apr
Due to covid and back upps at hair dressers it hasn't happened yet but we are booked in for Thursday the 28th! 

Not yet but soon

Sunday 19th Dec
Not quite at her goal length yet the big chop will happen during first term back at school I think. We are going to be handing out flyers to try and achieve our goal fundraising amount 😄
Thank you everyone who has already donated 

Thanks for all the support


Robert Thompson

Well done bones, very brave of you to go short, it's for a very good cause, bloody well love you more. Vibbie


Adele Thomas

Congratulations Lexie. Wonderful donation to help another child. This is an awesome gift and your hair will grow again.


Michael Thompson

Hoping you raise plenty of money.


Gill Hopkins

What an amazing fundraiser. Well done to you xx


Trena Austen

What a wonderful thing you are doing. X


Steve Cogzell

Hope you raise lots of money.


Amanda Sharam

Great job love you



Its a wonderful caring thing you are doing, well done young lady.


Mimi Sapphire

I'll give you some more my next pay ☺️😉 good luck, good job !