Ainsley's Big Chop

I'm chopping my hair and need your help!

I have made the decision to make a difference by cutting and donating my hair to be made into a wig for someone who has lost their hair due to a medical condition.

I'll be chopping off  35.5cm on 30.09.2020

Wigs cost families up to $6,000, lasting 1-2 years, meaning families can spend tens of thousands of dollars on the purchase of wigs throughout a child’s youth. By making a donation to Variety - the Children's Charity, you can help provide a wig or other vital equipment to a child in need. Thank you for helping kids in need.

My Updates

Today is the day! and why this is so important.

Wednesday 30th Sep

I can help a little person feel good about themselves in this world, where it is so easy to feel like you’re not good enough, I will! 


I am always an advocate of bringing awareness to the fact that Cosmetic beauty does not make a person, however feeling gorgeous is not a dirty word!


We might achieve our own personal level of confidence In many ways, and confidence could show itself in many forms, a flick of mascara, a cool new shirt, OR, a wig for a little person who just wants to shake their hair in the breeze and feel the feathery touch of the strands on their face. And more than anything, not feel like everyone is looking at them.


So, I hope with all my heart that this hair that I have been growing and nurturing (since the last of the hair dye was cut off the ends in 2018) brings someone an overwhelming swelling joy and confidence. 


And you may never read this little one, but you don't need this hair to make you amazing, you already are. but I feel truly blessed that you will wear it with pride. 


to all of you who have donated, I cannot thank you enough for your generosity, the money you have raised will help little people live their best lives. Here are a few examples.

- Mobility equipment,

- Costly medical procedures, 

- Educational aides 

and much much more! 

Thanks for all the support


Louise And Nick


Michael Fanning


Luke Bindoff

You're doing an awesome thing, I'd like to help with that.


Da Mumma

You are an inspiration to us all young lady ❤️



From the Dad


Niahm Newcombe

SO proud of you xx


Steve Ashbridge


Ainsley Bullingham



Robyn Jarman

Your hair! Your beautiful hair! NOOOOOO! But seriously good on you lovely lady. Great cause. x


Lindsay Goedings

Great cause!


Douglas Carmody

Good luck dear. Hope you raise heaps.