Finally we did it, we reached our goal of $1000. I want to thank all the kind hearted people that donated and all the support I have been receiving from family, friends and school. I have bumped my goal up to $1250 so I'm always aiming for something. I hope everyone reading this has a great holiday and a good 2024. I'll update you after my chop so make sure to check on the 21st of December for some post chop photos. Thanks for the donations and support.6 Days To Go
Yes there is 6 days to go till my big chop that will make 1 lucky person very very happy. Recently I sent my page link to my school and after a day I have raised over $200 meaning that I have about $150 to go as I'm at $856. I'm really thankful for the support and donation given. Have a nice holiday and I'll update you later.15 Days To Go
15 days to go. Yes I know it's a shock to the system you boy Hugo donating his hair after 6 years of having it. I'm really appreciating the donations so far and the support that I have been given. so far I have raised about $320 meaning I'm about 1/3 of the way there. Have a great rest of your week and I'll update you later.The Big Chop
Wednesday, the 20th of December is the day of my big chop. I'm very nervous because I've had this long hair for 6 year now so I don't remember myself with short hair. The style I'm going to try when I donate my hair will be a slicked back with a slight bounce to it.Thanks for all the support
The Digby Family
Well done Hugo-- A great cause and a brilliant effort in thinking about and actioning a plan to help others that need us now more than ever. Good work young man.
Elizabeth Welfare
well done Hugo. Love Nana & Pop
Super proud love Mum & Dad
Sue Bell
awesome job Hugo. Love you are donating your luscious locks to someone else. Love Gammy & Gampy. xoxoxoxo
Hugo Welfare
Miss Lopes
Well done Hugo! So proud of what you are doing and a great cause to support! :)
Joe & Al
You are amazing Hugo!!
The Gazzard’s
Well done Hugo!!
Miss Di Palma
I'm so proud of you, Hugo! Such a selfless act for a great cause.
Miss Salmon
Well done Hugo. We are all proud of you!
Miss Francis
Congratulations Hugo! So proud of what you are doing! I would like an after picture on our google classroom please :)
Simon & Aria Welfare
Great work!
Miss Mcdermott
Amazing job Hugo! So proud of you!
Aunty Bri, Uncle Mitch And Rory Xx
Awesome work Hugo!!
Aunty Bubbles, Uncle Chas, Lexi And Elise
We are super proud of you Hugo. You have a heart of gold 💛
Miss Marie
Hey Hugo, So proud of what you are doing - goodluck!
Well done
Jane, Alex, Maya & Rio Varela
What an amazing gift! Love your work Hugo!
Anissa Butler
Mr Cleary
Nat, Will & Alegra
Way to go Hugo! Such a great thing you are doing.
Miss Sally
You’re amazing, Hugo! Such a fantastic cause. Well done!
Miss Chu
Such an amazing cause, Hugo! Well done!
The Morris Family
Good on ya Hugo!
Al Evans
Great job
Way to go champ.
What a wonderful and very kind thing to do.